Tips On How To Choose Your Hairstyle

Selecting a look for your special event shouldn't be overwhelming! Here are some brief pointers and tips to consider!

  • How do you style your hair daily? 

Most of us have a go-to hairstyle. When we try different hairstyles outside our comfort zone we tend to feel a type of way! Choosing a style that you haven't worn before isn't the best idea. Especially if you are going to have your pictures taken.

  • Are you versatile with your hair?

IF you normally don't style your hair in a ponytail or pulled back so your ears or neck/back show then I would stay away from sleek styles. Try something more softer with face framing curls. Or vise versa if you don't like your hair in your face try a more polished look.

  • What will the weather be like on your special day? 

Let's face it mother nature has her own agenda and our hair ain't it! If you're having an outdoor event consider an up-style if the weather is going to be hot. humid, or windy. Have textured hair? embrace it because under these weather condition no product will block out the elements completely.